INFO FencingMaster
Mar 29, 2023
Benefit of enrolling in Competition in your club on a systematic basis
If you're a parent of a child who is interested in fencing, you may be wondering if it's a good idea to enroll them in a fencing...

INFO FencingMaster
Mar 22, 2023
Fencing: The Surprising Activity Every Mom Should Try
Fencing is often thought of as a sport for children and young adults, but it can also be a great activity for moms. Whether you're...

Coach Jina
Mar 14, 2023
How much training my child need to become competitive fencer
The amount of training required to become a competitive fencer varies depending on your starting level, natural athletic abilities, and...

Coach Jina
Mar 1, 2023
Fencing can help to enhance self-control in young children
Fencing can help to enhance self-control in young children in several ways:
Mind-body connection: Fencing requires a strong mind-body connec

Coach Jina
Mar 1, 2023
5 Reasons that Fencing can help children to spend less time on video games
Young children today are growing up in an increasingly digital world, which can create challenges for parents who are trying to manage...