Coach Jina
May 18, 2019
7 Habits of Highly Effective Fencer高效劍手的7個習慣
I have recently came across a very interesting and inspiring Book by Stephen Covey : 7 Habits of Highly effective people and thought some...

Coach Jina
May 9, 2019
How to Qualify for Olympic 2020 Fencing如何获得2020年东京奥运会的参赛资格 -劍擊
2020年東京奧運會也越來越近了,香港劍擊也進入了全面備戰東京奧運會的節奏。 2020年東京奧運會劍擊項目設有 男子個人,男子團體、女子個人,女子團體、等12個項目,最近香港男子花劍隊在花劍世界盃聖彼得堡站歷史性摘銀後週二凱旋,主教練汪昌和法籍新教練Greg Koenig...

Coach Jina
Sep 21, 2017
Benefits of Fencing to Youngsters
Interview with the SCMP journalist John Cremer where Coach Kin talk about his plan to develop elite fencers at school and how fencing...

Coach Jina
Sep 21, 2017
Is fencing safe sport for the Kid?
Short answer to it is YES! Despite of its appearance as a potentially dangerous sport, Fencing is very safe because of all its...

Coach Jina
Sep 19, 2017
Adult Fencing - Extra Fun For Fitness
"wow" this is the immediate response when i tell people i start to learn fencing! I think this is the cool sports to start with, as a...

Coach Jina
Aug 17, 2017
Parents Role - Should i compare my kids against their peers?
Short answer is NO, Fencing is your kids own development activity, your kid should ENJOY doing it rather than doing it to PLEASE you. So...

Coach Jina
Aug 17, 2017
Champion Maker! It's all about the Fencing Coach ! 劍擊教練才是關鍵!
Vous êtes trouve le bonne coach? You, your child/children probably learn fencing from different schools, you may follow more than one...

Coach Jina
Aug 17, 2017
Importance of the Coach - good and the best
When it comes to competitive fencing, the difference between the best and the greatest is only by few points. Sometimes even the...

Coach Jina
Aug 17, 2017
Parents Role - Belief in your kid
I have met many parents of the young fencers, for whom their kids are at the elite level. When i asked them what is their secret on...