HK Fencing Master support community service to dedicated organisation which promote and use fencing to engage and inspire young people to build a better life for themselves and unite the communities in which they live. Partner with HKFCO, we offer dedicated staff deliver fencing coaching, educational programmes and personal development, providing young people with opportunities to change their lives for the better.
Head Coach has been involved in various community outreach school project lead a team of assistant coaches to deliver the training of fencing to the several school in HK,
Please also see HKFCO for a diversify range of activities offered by our Head Coach.
Give back to community by donating your gear!
All the gear donated will be provided to the members of the association where we offer FREE Fencing Class

Serve our Community

All Rounded Character Development
Part of our proceeds will be contributed to HKFCO to develop free fencing training to the commumity.
See more at: http://www.hkfco.org
We dont teach fencing only
We also teach our students importance of community and environment via participating in many volunteer service