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7 Habits of Highly Effective Fencer高效劍手的7個習慣

I have recently came across a very interesting and inspiring Book by Stephen Covey : 7 Habits of Highly effective people and thought some of the habits mentioned can be applied for my students in fencing in particular the first one being Proactive.

So I have been very inspired and therefore like to adapt those to my students, so here below are the 7 habits what i think important for Fencing Students.

1 Be Proactive

Fencing Student should have a “Can Do” attitude - We choose our actions, attitudes and moods. We don’t blame others when we loose the match. We practice and actively seek for match during combat without being asked.

I think Proactive is extremely important for any effective fencer based on following 4 aspects:

1 Be Proactive in combat/open bouting- During the practice (eg open bouting), we should actively seek DIFFERENT opponent to have a match. Fencer should not wait for the coach or others to tell him/her who to match with or which strip to go. Just DO it, and find the opponent and maximize the practice opportunity

2. Be Proactive in seeking advice

Fencer should not wait for the coach in giving suggestions on the way to improve as the coach need to look after so many students and he/she might not have time to focus on each individual during each practice. So the fencers should take any opportunity in seeking advise/suggestion from seniors or the coach.

3. Be proactive in seeking support from parent

Parents support is very important for fencers especially during the development stage, fencer should take initiative to request parent to give them support (either financially or spiritually ) to provide adequate training opportunities.

4. Be proactive to social and make friends with the peers. Though the nature of sport itself may seems to be an individual combat, but there are many ways that fencer can make a great life experience and wonderful practice session through relationship bonding with the peers.

2. Begin With the End in Mind - SET GOALS

Fencer should have a goal both long term and short term - We plan ahead and set goals.e.g. be an Olympian, win one match during combat, get into top 32 in next open competition. Having a short term and long term goals help the students and the coach to identify the respective training plans that can be well understood by coach, parents and the fencers.

3. Put First Things First - Prioritize

Fencing student to spend his/her time on the things which matters to them - This means we should say no to things that we should not do (eg no video games :) ). Fencers set priorities, make a schedule for training and follow it through.

4. Team Spirit

Fencing students should be working as a collaborate team. Though it is an individual combat but there are times that students are training together and are participate in a team Event - We don’t have to put others down when they loose their match. It makes us happy to see our teammates are happy or win the match. We should enjoy motivating our teammates.

5. Seek First to Understand

There are times that coach or other teammates might have different opinion than yours, it is important that my students listen and understand what are the reason behind. First listen to other people’s ideas and feelings and try to see things from their viewpoints - listen to others without interrupting. Be confident in voicing your ideas.

6. Synergize and Appreciate

Fencer should value other people’s strengths and learn from them. Appreciate the diversity and culture, appreciate that others maybe different from you - seek out other people’s ideas to during the lost match or facing some difficult opponent. Appreciate the coaching from the coach and appreciate your parents for supporting your training.

7. Sharpen the Saw

There is no easy way to success, fencer should always set ahead of other opponent in terms of improving his/her skills - they should take care of their body by eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep.


我是用英文寫這篇文章。以下是我用谷歌自動翻譯文章。如果有任何錯誤,敬請原諒 我最近读了史蒂芬・柯维(Stephen R.Covey)(哈佛大学企业管理硕士,杨百翰大学博士)的一本非常有意思的書:高效人士的7個習慣.我得到了很大的啟發,我認為所提到的一些習慣可以應用於我的劍擊學生,因此將這些改編為對小劍手很重要的7種習慣。我想要跟大分享我對第一個習慣的看法。 第一個習慣 - 要積極主動

劍手们應該有“我做得到”的態度 - 我們選擇了自己的行動,態度和心情。當我們比賽時,我們不會責怪他人。我們實戰中積極尋求对手練習。

1積極主動找對手在練習我們應該積極尋找不同的對手對打。劍手不應該等待教練或其他人告訴他/她與誰配對或要去哪個劍道練習。劍手要時時刻刻做到這一點,積極主找不同的對手增加練習機會。 2.主動尋求建議因為教練需要照顧這麼多學生,他/她可能沒有時間專注於每個人。因此,劍手應該抓住任何機會向師兄師姐和人主動找教練尋求輔導/意見。 3.積極尋求家長的支持對於劍手來說,父母的支持非常重要,特別是在發展階段,劍手應主動要求家長給予他們(財政上或精神上)的支持,以提供足夠的培訓機會。 4.主動社交 雖然運動本身的性質似乎可能是個人格鬥,但是通過與同輩們的練習關係,擊劍運動員有很多機會建立友好關係,和創造出的值得紀念的生活和實戰經驗。



設定目標 擊劍運動員應該有長期和短期目標 - 我們提前計劃並設定目標。成為奧林匹克運動員,在戰鬥中贏得一場比賽,在下一場公開比賽中進入前32名。有短期和長期目標可以幫助學生和教練確定教練,父母和擊劍運動員能夠很好理解的各自的訓練計劃。


優先考慮 讓學生把時間花在對他們來說很重要的事情上 - 這意味著我們應該對我們不應該做的事情說不(例如沒有電子遊戲:))。擊劍運動員確定優先事項,制定訓練計劃並跟進。


擊劍學生應該作為一個合作團隊工作。雖然這是個人戰鬥,但有時學生們一起訓練並參加團隊賽事 - 我們不必在他們失去比賽時讓其他人失望。我們很高興看到我們的隊友很開心或贏得比賽。我們應該樂於激勵我們的隊友。


教練或其他隊友有時可能會有不同的意見,重要的是我的學生應該傾聽並理解背後的原因。首先傾聽別人的想法和感受,並嘗試從他們的觀點看待事物 - 在不打斷的情況下傾聽別人的意見。對錶達自己的想法充滿信心。


劍手们應該重視別人的優勢並從中吸取教訓。其他人可能與你不同,欣賞多樣性和文化, - 在失败的比賽中或面對一些困難的對手时,詢找其他人的意见及想法。感恩 - 從教練那裡獲得指導並感謝您的父母支持您的培訓。


沒有簡單的成功方法,劍手们應該始終領先於其他對手提高他/她的技能 - 他們應該通過正確的飲食,鍛煉和充足的睡眠來照顧他們的身體。

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